The Prince Charles Cinema

Beware the Holy Whore [Warnung vor einer heiligen Nutte]

  • 1971
  • 103mins
  • Germany
  • (15)
  • Comedy / Drama
Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder Starring Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Lou Castel, Hanna Schygulla, Eddie Constantine

Jeff (Lou Castel), a director, and his star actor (Eddie Constantine) are taking their time getting to the set of the movie they're currently working on. In the absence of these key figures, the film crew lacks a purposeful way to spend their time, so they drink heavily. However, as booze is downed and boredom and frustration set in, morale hits rock bottom. When Jeff and the male lead finally show, the director is enraged by his crew's slovenliness, and the production spirals into chaos.

Wednesday 30th April