The Prince Charles Cinema

Godzilla Raids Again

  • 1955
  • 81mins
  • Japan
  • (PG)
  • Kaiju
Directed by Motoyoshi Oda Starring Takashi Shimura, Hiroshi Koizumi, Minoru Chiaki, Setsuko Wakayama

Toho Studios followed the enormous success of the original Godzilla with this sequel, efficiently directed by Motoyoshi Oda as a straight-ahead monsters-on-the-loose drama. An underrated standout among the Showa Godzilla films, Godzilla Raids Again introduces the monster-versus-monster format that would dominate the remainder of the series, pitting Godzilla against the ferocious, spiny Anguirus as the kaiju wreak havoc in the streets of Osaka in a series of elaborate set pieces that succeed in upping the ante for destruction.

Friday 7th March