The Prince Charles Cinema

The Room

  • 2003
  • 99mins
  • USA
  • (18)
  • Romance/Drama
Directed by Tommy Wiseau Starring Juliette Danielle, Tommy Wiseau, Greg Sestero

PLEASE NOTE: Tommy Wiseau will NOT be in attendance for these screenings!!!

For Tommy Wiseau Live shows in September 2025 CLICK HERE!

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Tommy Wiseau's "masterpiece" The Room has been hailed as the biggest cult film since Rocky Horror. 

So bad it's good, it's drawn a cult following in the US with viewers acting out skits, storming out in disgust, and throwing plastic cutlery during screenings. However unlike other cult films such as Rocky Horror, or the Big Lebowski, these fans are drawn to how bad they regard the film to be! Come and see the birth of a cult with it's poor score, terrible acting and internet meme generating script. 

Links - Official Trailer 

"If a lot of people love each other the world will be a better place to live." - Tommy Wiseau 

"The Room" is not a movie IT IS THE EVENT! - Tommy Wiseau 


Johnny is a successful banker who lives happily in a San Francisco townhouse with his fiancée, Lisa. One day, inexplicably, she gets bored of him and decides to seduce Johnny's best friend, Mark. From there, nothing will be the same again.

Thursday 20th March
Thursday 17th April
Wednesday 7th May