The Prince Charles Cinema

The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail

  • 1945
  • 59mins
  • Japan
  • (PG)
  • Adventure / Drama
Directed by Akira Kurosawa Starring Takashi Shimura, Denjiro Okochi, Masayuki Mori, Tadayoshi Nishina, Susumu Fujita

A routed Japanese general, Yoshitsune (Hanshiro Iwai), and his group of loyal retainers are forced to flee from Yoshitsune's own traitorous brother. En route to a safe zone, Yoshitsune and his bodyguards must pass through a heavily garrisoned mountain stronghold held by his brother's forces. Hopelessly outnumbered, Yoshitsune and his guards, led by samurai Benkei (Denjirô Ôkôchi), decided that the safest way to pass through the checkpoint unharmed is to dress themselves as monks.

Tuesday 24th June
Friday 4th July