The Prince Charles Cinema

The Man with Two Brains

  • 1983
  • 93mins
  • USA
  • (15)
  • Comedy
Directed by Carl Reiner Starring Steve Martin, Kathleen Turner, David Warner


When brilliant brain surgeon Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr (Steve Martin) accidentally hits gold-digger Dolores Benedict (Kathleen Turner) with his car, he takes it upon himself to save her life using his own surgical technique. The two are soon married, but no sooner are the rings on their fingers than the marriage begins to fall apart. While honeymooning in Vienna, Hfuhruhurr is introduced to reclusive scientist Dr. Alfred Necessiter (David Warner), who practices some rather unorthodox procedures.

Monday 28th April
Book6:15 pm 35mm£1 MEM