The Prince Charles Cinema

The Short Films of David Lynch

The Short Films of David Lynch

  • 1967
  • 95mins
  • USA
  • (18)
  • Mind F**k
Directed by David Lynch

Six Men Getting Sick (1967) (4mins) : Six cartoon figures vomit repeatedly.

The Alphabet (1968) (4mins) : This experimental short film presents a sick woman's nightmare involving living representations of the alphabet.

The Grandmother (1970) (34mins) : A boy plants a seed that grows into a grandmother in this experimental short film.

The Amputee, Version 1 and Version 2 (1974) (4mins & 5mins) : A double amputee attempts to write a letter while her nurse gets in the way.

Premonitions Following an Evil Deed (1995) (1min) : Police discover a naked dead body.

Dumbland (2002) (7 Episodes; 30mins total) : The series details the daily routines of a dull-witted white trash man. The man lives in a house along with his frazzled wife and squeaky-voiced child, both of whom are nameless as is the man in the shows. Lynch's website, however, identifies the male character by the name Randy and the child by the name Sparky.

Friday 4th April
Tuesday 29th April
Wednesday 21st May
Friday 22nd August