The Prince Charles Cinema

Full Moon in Paris [Les nuits de la pleine lune]

  • 1984
  • 105mins
  • France
  • (15)
  • Romance/Comedy
Directed by Éric Rohmer Starring Pascale Ogier, Tchéky Karyo, Fabrice Luchini

After Louise (Pascale Ogier) completes her art school studies, she begins to work as an interior designer in Paris, but her burgeoning career soon takes a back seat to her personal life. Although Louise lives with her lover Remi (Tcheky Karyo), an architect, his desire to settle down and experience marital bliss conflicts with her late-night lifestyle. Also complicating matters is Octave (Fabrice Luchini), a charming, married writer who is smitten with Louise.

Tuesday 24th June