The Prince Charles Cinema

Mulholland Dr.

  • 2001
  • 147mins
  • USA, France
  • (15)
  • Neo Noir
Directed by David Lynch Starring Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Justin Theroux

A dark-haired woman (Laura Elena Harring) is left amnesiac after a car crash. She wanders the streets of Los Angeles in a daze before taking refuge in an apartment. There she is discovered by Betty (Naomi Watts), a wholesome Midwestern blonde who has come to the City of Angels seeking fame as an actress. Together, the two attempt to solve the mystery of Rita's true identity. The story is set in a dream-like Los Angeles, spoilt neither by traffic jams nor smog.

Friday 4th April
Saturday 19th April
Book8:30 pm 35mmLynch Day
Sunday 20th April
Book11:30 am 35mmLynch Day
Monday 21st April
Saturday 3rd May
Thursday 8th May
Friday 16th May
Friday 13th June
Monday 25th August